Skates order

Dear All,

I am going to send an order for new boots (Risport or Edea) over the next couple of weeks, so if you need a new pair please email me ( asap. I will have prices over the next few days.

You need to email me:

  • model (RF3, RF2, RF light)
  • size (the 200 and something number that is under the sole of the boot)

It is best to try on the boots, you cannot rely on your shoe size, so please check what boots fit you correctly before ordering (you can look for your size at the hall or ask to try on a pair from the other skaters).

Please note that once you have the boots you will need to order the frames and wheels, which are sold separately by Picskates. You can check their prices on their website

I will order the correct size frame for your boots if you need a new one.

Any questions, please send me a quick email or talk to me at class.
